
Permanent Double Chin Reduction

You don’t have to live with the excess fat under your chin, treat it once and for all with Kybella. Submental fullness also known as double chin is caused when fat cells grow larger due to weight gain or older age. Kybella is a prescription medication that is injected under the chin to help the body treat fat cells. Patients who were treated with Kybella reported seeing a slimmer, defined chin after the treatment.

The Studio Med Spa is happy to be one of the few med spas in San Marcos and the North County San Diego area offering this highly effective treatment for double chin reduction.

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What Is Kybella?

Kybella is a prescription medication made with synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. The molecule is able to help with the breakdown of fat cells. After this process fat cells can no longer store or accumulate fat.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

Your chin will be injected multiple times in strategic formation to target fat cells. After all the solution has been injected, your skin might be slightly red and swollen. For the next few days, we recommend putting ice packs to ease any discomfort you might have.

How Many Sessions of Kybella Will I Need?

Each treatment plan will be tailored for each patient. On average two sessions were needed. Spaced one month apart with no more than six sessions. After receiving the recommended amount of Kybella, no further treatment is needed. Patients reported their submental fullness did not come back.

What is the difference between Kybella and Laser Double Chin Reduction?

The biggest difference is the treatment type. Kybella is an injection while Laser Double Chin Reduction uses a laser to target and destroy fat cells. The results also differ. Kybella works a little faster and achieves an even greater reduction in volume vs. Laser Double Chin Reduction.

Are there side effects with Kybella?

As with any cosmetic treatment, there is always a risk of side effects and most are mild such as swelling, redness, numbness and bruising. These typically resolve within 1 to 2 weeks. Kybella is also much less invasive with fewer possible risks and side effects vs. liposuction. We will review all possible side effects during your complimentary consultation.

How much does Kybella cost?

Check out pricing page for our latest Kybella pricing.

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